Club Sydney Policies

To the Guests of our Members – Welcome to the Club
Members, please make sure your Guests understand the following definition of Guest Status.
“Guest” means a person whose name and address, countersigned by the Host Member, is entered in the Register kept for this purpose, and who at all times while on the Club premises, remains in the reasonable company of the Host member, and who does not remain on the Club premises any longer than the Host Member.
To People seeking Temporary Membership – Welcome to the Club
The Registered Clubs Act 1976 (as amended) has, placed certain restrictions on the granting of Temporary Membership. If you are seeking Temporary Membership to this Club, please observe the following.
Temporary Member Status may be granted to the following people;
*whose ordinary place of residence is in New South Wales and is more than five(5) kilometres from this Registered Club.
*who is a member of another Registered Club with similar objects to those of this Club.
*who is a member of another Registered Club and who is attending this Club for the purpose of taking part in a organised sport or competition as provided in Section 30(10) of the Registered Clubs Act which is quoted in full below.
Temporary Members (other than those who are admitted pursuant to Section 30(10) will have to complete and sign the Temporary Members Register each day they attend the Club.
Section 30 (10)
“The rules of a registered Club (in this subsection referred to as ‘the host Club”) shall, unless its rules provide that the provision of this subsection do not apply to that club, be deemed to include a rule that a full member of any registered club who, at the invitation of the governing body or a full member of the host club, attends on any day at the premises of the host club for the purpose of participating in an organised sport or competition to be conducted by the host club on that day shall be a temporary member of the host club from the time on that day when he so attends the premises of the host club until the end of that day”.

Club Dress Code
To maintain the high standard enjoyed in our Club we request our members and visitors to respect the Dress Rules of Clean and neat attire.
The following dress is NOT PERMITTED at any time:
Football shorts/ Short shorts, Training apparel, Football jerseys, Untidy faded, ripped or frayed clothing, Bare feet, Baseball caps, Scuffed thongs, Singlets, Men’s head wear, Bike shorts, Gang colours/jackets, Swimwear, Soiled overalls/work attire, Leotards, Offensive T-shirts, Torn or untidy tracksuits,Torn or dirty joggers.
Rules & Conditions of Entry as a Temporary Member
Temporary members must be over the age of 18 years and if required will show identification, details of which will be recorded. Temporary members will adhere to the directions of management of the club, including the responsible serving of alcohol, dress regulations and portray responsible behaviour and a sensible approach to gaming.
Temporary members will follow the NSW Smoke-Free Environment Amendment Act and only smoke where lawfully permitted to do so. Temporary Members are required to present Temporary Member documentation when requested by management to do so.
Privacy Policy
The Corporations Act and Registered Clubs Act require us to obtain, display in the Club and in some cases disclose your personal information provided on this form. If you do not provide the information on this form we may reject your application. The Club will deal with your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles. Your personal information may be disclosed to third parties that contract with the Club or as required or authorised by law. In particular the Club may use your personal information to advise you of Club services, benefits and offers. More information including how to access or correct your personal information or complain about the Club’s privacy practices is in our Privacy Policy available on or at the reception of the Club or by calling the Club on (02) 9264 6281. It is unlikely that your personal information will be disclosed overseas except where provided for under the Privacy Policy.

Responsible Service of Alcohol House Policy
By Law, it is an offence to sell or supply any liquor to any person who is, at the time, in a state of intoxication. The state of intoxication can be described as a state in which, through intoxicating liquor, a person has severely lost the normal control of their bodily and mental faculties.
Management and staff have the right to deny the sale of alcohol to any person they feel may be intoxicated or may be becoming intoxicated.
Management and staff also have the right to deny entry into the premises, or ask any person to leave the premises, if they feel that person is intoxicated. This policy will be adopted by all staff and management in the best interest of all patrons.
We provide low alcohol drinks – We provide non-alcohol drinks – No under age drinking.
NO Excuse! $550 on the spot fine
You will be refused entry or asked to leave our venue if you are: drunk violent argumentative disorderly smoking on premises suspected of possessing drugs If you are asked to leave you must: Leave the venue immediately Leave the vicinity of the premises(more than 50 meters) not re-enter or attempt to re-enter the premises within 24 hours not re-enter the vicinity of the premises for six hours If you do not comply you are committing a crime

Smoking Policy
Smoking regulations apply at Club Sydney.
- No smoking is permitted within the club.
- Smoking is permitted in designated external areas only.
Responsible Gambling Policy Statement
The City of Sydney RSL & Community Club Ltd is committed to responsibly managing the operation of gaming related designated services within our venues so that our customers are provided with a safe and enjoyable environment.
The City of Sydney RSL & Community Club Ltd will prioritise customer welfare and promote sustainable gambling activities.
The City of Sydney RSL & Community Club Ltd will adopt the responsible gambling and harm minimisation measures in accordance with the Club Gaming Code of Practice; and
The City of Sydney RSL & Community Club Ltd will support and promote the social and economic benefits of responsible gambling and the gaming industry.
Responsible Gambling Officer (RGO)
A designated responsible gambling officer (RGO) is always available to assist you within the venue during stated operating hours.
Responsible Gambling Oversight Training
Our Clubs provider of Director Training is ClubSAFE
Our Club will maintain a register of Directors that have completed the Responsible Gambling
Oversight Training
Advanced Responsible Conduct of Gambling Training
Our Club’s provider of Advanced Responsible Conduct of Gambling (RCG) Training is Barrington Group Australia
Our Club will maintain a register of Duty Managers that have completed the Advanced RCG training
Responsible Gambling Staff Induction Training for non-gaming staff
All non-gaming staff are introduced to the Responsible Gambling during staff induction training
Refresher Training
Refresher training is required every five years.
Player Welfare Checks
Information on outlining the player welfare check process is made available to staff via induction process and within formal training provided by our RTO
Counselling and support services
Our Club’s provider of counselling and support services is ClubSAFE
Counselling service information is made available to players via information on cards and brochures within the gaming areas
Our Club’s provider of a multi-venue exclusion scheme is ClubSafe
Information on exclusions (including family-initiated exclusions) is provided to patrons via brochures, contact cards and on the club’s website.
Our club’s policy for family-initiated exclusion is accessible via brochure and on the clubs website
If a patron breaches or attempts to breach their exclusion, our club will notify the multi-venue scheme ClubSAFE and document the incident within the Gambling Incident Register
Electronic Exclusion Detection
Our club utilises digital sign in systems and facial recognition to assist club staff identify persons who are excluded from using gaming related designated services in our venues.
Gambling Incident Register (GIR)
Our club venues utilise a Gambling Incident Register (GIR) which is kept securely digitally to protect
privacy. All gambling related incidents are stored upon the register.
Our clubs respective designated RGO review the GIR weekly. Results of the GIR review are reported
quarterly at the March, June, September, and December Board meetings.
Access to Money
Our club staff are informed that it is prohibitive to provide credit for gambling via induction training and through formal training provided by the club’s RTO
The ATM is not located within view of the gaming area.
The ATM does not provide cash through a credit card facility.
Player Information
Our staff check the gaming area daily to ensure the following brochures are available:
Brochure 1- Info about the odds- Betting on gaming machines
Brochure 2 – ClubSAFE or Bet Safe Counselling and Support Brochure 3
– Information about Responsible Gambling Behaviours
Our club adheres to NSW government legislation and regulations that focuses upon the prevention of minors from accessing gaming machines areas. Compliance is maintained daily by staff and management constantly monitoring areas that have designated gambling services provided.
The correct compliance signage installed within areas that declares restricted to minors and is regularly audited monthly and updated when required
Advertising, Promotion and Player Reward Schemes
All gaming-related advertising and promotion approvals will be reviewed and approved by the RGO. A copy of the relevant approvals will be kept for a period of one year
Our Club will review the Player Rewards Scheme for compliance with the Code annually.
Our Club’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and all the Club Directors complete Executive/Board Oversight
Training within 12 months of commencement on the board or taking the role of Secretary Manager
The Clubs AML/CTF Compliance Officer (ACO) Officer is the Clubs Group Operations Manager
The Club’s AML/CTF Backup Compliance Officer is the CEO
AML/CTF Staff Awareness Training
A register that records the completion of AML/CTF Awareness Training (for those staff involved in the gaming machine operations and wagering is kept on site and made available for authorised persons on request.
Our club adopts policy on banning people suspected of money laundering on 26th February 2024
- The ACO Officer will conduct an annual internal audit of compliance with the Code using the ClubsNSW online self-audit checklist and report to the board for consideration.
- The club will engage an external auditor annually to audit the club’s compliance with the Code and provide a report to the board for consideration.
Club Contacts
Company: Club Sydney & Club Stockton
Phone: 02 92646281
Responsible gambling provider
Contact: ClubSAFE
Phone: 1800 99 77 66
Local Counselling Service
Contact: ClubSAFE
Phone: 1800 99 77 66
Sydney City Licensing Police
Phone: 02 8220 6399